“Content marketing is the use of content to attract and retain customers. Businesses can use it, non-profits, governments, colleges or universities.” – Forbes.

In this blog post, we discuss how to convey your brand narrative throughout your content marketing strategy. We’ll also go into detail on how you can maximize your SEO potential with these strategies.

Content marketing is an essential strategy in many brands’ repertoire and something that cannot be ignored. To remain competitive in your niche, your brand narrative should resonate with potential customers. The digital space can feel cluttered and narrative in an engaging way:

Creating content around company objectives can be overly saturated, making it difficult for consumers to notice your organisation. Through tapping into the power of content marketing, you can put yourself on a level playing field with industry giants while also staying true to your brand’s values.

Below are some tips to help convey your brand narrative in content marketing.

– Tell an authentic story about your brand’s values and objectives. Your customers should easily see the connection between what you’re doing and why it matters to them. This may happen through storytelling or a more linear approach, but whatever route you choose, make sure that there is a clear focus on how your business succeeds when customers succeed.

  • Create content that meets your customer’s needs and becomes a part of their lives. It should be relevant and either solve problems or answer questions they may have. When you do this, it is easier to reach out on social media for support throughout the day as people are looking for solutions.
  • Be consistent with the messaging of your brand. It’s crucial to build credibility and a sense of trust with your audiences, which is why you should be consistent in how you talk about yourself or your company.
  • Use social media strategically for a campaign that can last long term. This way, it creates an opportunity for more engagement than just one single tweet here or a random post there.
  • Finally and most importantly: be human. Nobody is interested in purchasing from a brand that is lacking in personality. Ensure you are always true to your brand when posting on social media or creating content. It would make your audience connect with you more so than if you were to come off as robotic because of following the same ‘methods’ as everyone else.

If you need help coming up with ideas or content marketing strategies, ask someone you know who is passionate about your brand to help brainstorm and develop a plan together, e.g. the Puzzle Media team! Book in for a content marketing review.