The end of the year is quickly approaching, with Christmas carols and tinsel on the horizon. I know, we can’t believe it either!

On that note, it’s a good time to reflect on your business and growth over the past year. What were your business (and personal!) achievements? Did you have growth within your team? How were your sales? Could you have done anything differently?

So. Many. Questions!

When setting goals, we have put together some key questions we use when working with our clients on their strategies. Hopefully, these will give you a head start and inspire you for the coming year!

Business Objectives: What are your business goals?

Whilst the obvious is to have a profitable business, when setting goals, be very specific with what you want to accomplish. Is it to increase your revenue by 10%? Do you want to grow your leads by 5% every quarter? Is it to add more services in the next 12 months? Grow your team?

Whatever they are, it’s always helpful to analyse your current numbers so you can set realistic goals. Revisit past strategies and continue to implement what works and change what doesn’t.

Services: What are the services you offer? 

Unfortunately, knowing what you offer is not enough to get people to notice you. Clear messaging is necessary. When positioning your brand within the market, ask yourself if your offers are packaged up correctly. Is it obvious to your target audience why they should work with you and how they can work with you?

Target Market: Who is your target market, and how are you reaching and connecting with them?

When setting your business goals for 2023, focus on your target market. Know who you’re serving, what they need and how to get them interested. Where do they hang out, and what are the most effective ways to connect with them?

Marketing Objectives: How are you sharing value with your audience regularly? How do you want marketing to play a part in you reaching these goals?

Engaging with your audience and providing them with valuable content helps establish trust and credibility. With all the tools and platforms available, the question really is, what are the best ones to use for your business?

Social Media will help you keep a consistent presence in your local market.

Paid Advertising can drive regular enquiries and sales to your business

Email Marketing is great for following up with old contacts on your database and providing value to your audience

SEO ensures you are on top of page one of Google.

There are so many effective ways to use marketing and advertising to help achieve your goals. It’s important to use the right combination of marketing and advertising based on your industry, business and desired outcomes.

Planning: How will you bring the above together in 2023?

As we’re near the end of 2022, it’s time to set new business goals for 2023. The Puzzle Media crew is passionate about helping you achieve your goals by providing you with marketing strategies tailored to your business.

If you haven’t taken full advantage of the power of marketing, we recommend investing in creating a solid marketing plan for 2023 to propel your business forward.

Book a free marketing call with us so we can talk about what you need. Get ready to kick start your 2023!