Have you recently posted something to Instagram or Facebook only to see it didn’t get the traction you thought it would? Have you wondered why others get great post results and yours don’t?

Maybe it’s because you aren’t using moving images?

Let’s look at how using moving images can make a difference in your posts!

Whether you are a business owner looking to enhance your social media behaviour or just curious about the latest trends, stick around!

Social Media and the way we communicate

We all know that social media has changed the way we communicate and connect with others. These platforms have become essential tools for staying in touch with your community. One of the most intriguing things about social media is the way it has changed the way we, as a population, consume information.

This shift has profoundly impacted how we convey media, and because of this, the world is constantly changing and adapting. As business owners, it is important we do too.

Why Post Moving Content

Still images were the thing on social media in the beginning. While they are still used effectively across social media platforms, there is a shift to display video or moving content, especially on Instagram. Moving images create more engagement as they capture the viewer’s attention over a still image.

There is no question that video content is here to stay. As these platforms progress, we can expect to see more use of moving images to share information and tell stories. Whether you’re watching your favourite TV show or scrolling through TikTok, it’s clear that static photos or still pictures are quickly becoming less preferred in the consumer’s eyes.

Is static content disappearing for good?

Static imagery is still a great way to capture attention and communicate a message. The disadvantage of static images is it often fails to create an emotional connection with the viewer.

If you are looking for ways to increase engagement and connect with your audience, consider using video content in your next social media campaign.

If you would like to learn more about how you can benefit from using moving images in your marketing strategy, contact us today! We would love to help.